Giving Back

Musicians around the world do not only heal us with their music. The assumptions that celebrities are shallow, materialistic and self absorbed is just our lack of knowledge. Often they use their fortune to do good. Lana Del Rey is one of them.

Alcohol was her addiction. Music is her passion. But giving back is what is most important to her.

At the young age of 14, Lana was an alcoholic. While battling her addiction, music got her through most of her struggles. You can hear the pain and heartbreak through her timid bluesy voice, and her lyrics that speak to you. She is in fact very relatable to women, no matter what caused their pain and heart break. Music does heal, but she wanted more than that.

It has never been about the fame. Once she overcame her addiction, charity became her work of choice. Being a celebrity gives people them.

“Music was my passion, but my work with this foundation is more important. I myself had the chance to be helped by an establishment.”

Lana raises money for an organization that helps the homeless. She found that by helping others, she also helped herself. 

The different ways one can heal or help themselves, fans, communities, are never ending. Donate. Volunteer. Inspire.


One thought on “Giving Back

  1. Morgan, I love that you’re connecting an artist to a cause but a post like this needs a little more. First of all, whenever writing about musicians, ALWAYS include a YouTube clip to their work so the reader can see, and more importantly, hear them. Also, if you’re going to encourage readers to donate, inspire and volunteer then direct them to various charities and organizations where they can do that. Never miss an opportunity for a call to action.


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